One of the newer outlets on the crossword scene is Defector, a sports-focused blog with a big following. I was curious when I saw it pop up on the Matthew Stock's Crossword Publication Specs Google Sheet , since I hadn't heard of it before. So I decided to send along some things I'd been tinkering with and they ended up liking this one. Here's the link to my Defector puzzle , titled "Out of Office." The site requires a subscription to view the crossword, but it's only $8 a month and a lot of the other crosswords on there are pretty fun too. Just not quite as cross-tacular as me! Plus, they offer high-quality articles like " What Horrible Things Did We Do To Our Penises Last Year? " and " What The Fuck Is A Vaccine Skeptic? " Props to Defector for offering very fair pay in the way of grids too! These things take a lot of time and effort. Even though my cruciverbalism is a labor of love for me, it still is much appreciated. Check it out ...